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  • Registrant : 守谷市
  • [Language]日本語
  • Posted : 2023/11/23
  • Published : 2023/11/23
  • Changed :2023/11/23
  • Total View : 2203 persons
2024/3/10 / 守谷市 / Other

Dog and cat transfer event

In order to save the lives of dogs and cats abandoned for human reasons, a dog and cat transfer event will be held jointly by Wannyan M's ( M's ), a volunteer organization based in Moriya City that conducts animal welfare activities, and the Moriya City Animal Protection Council.

In order to save the lives of dogs and cats abandoned for human reasons, a dog and cat transfer event will be held jointly by "Wannyan M's ( M's )", a volunteer group based in Moriya City that conducts animal welfare activities, and the Moriya City Animal Protection Council.

A bazaar ( flea market ) will also be held on the day, and the proceeds will be used to pay for medical expenses and food for dogs and cats.

We look forward to your participation so that many dogs and cats can meet new owners and become part of new families.

Address 守谷市
Date 2024/3/10
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