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  • [Registrant] : 成田市
  • [Language]日本語
  • [Location]千葉県 成田市
  • Posted : 2024/09/02
  • Published : 2024/09/02
  • Changed :2024/09/02
  • Total View : 73 persons

Disaster Prevention and Administration Radio Information

This is Disaster Prevention Narita.
We are now conducting Narita City Shakeout Drill.

Drill, drill, we have an earthquake now.
Find a safe place.
Stay low by a sturdy object, protect your head and body, and stay still until the shaking stops. ( Do not move for about a minute )

Drill, drill, earthquake continues. Watch out for objects falling from above.

Drills, drills, and earthquakes have subsided.
This concludes the Narita City Shakeout Drill.
Thank you for your cooperation.

Crisis Management Division, Narita City General Affairs Department


Vivinavi - Notification from Municipality

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