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  • [Registrant] : 成田市
  • [Language]日本語
  • [Location]千葉県 成田市
  • Posted : 2024/04/26
  • Published : 2024/04/26
  • Changed :2024/04/26
  • Total View : 274 persons

Crime Prevention ・ Safety Information

Please be aware of a phone call that is a premonition of a telephone deception.

Around midnight today, in the Shiba area of Narita City, a person pretended to be a
tax office employee
and said
"We have money to refund you because you overcharged us on taxes. I want you to go to an ATM to do the procedure."
etc. Calls are coming in with signs of a phone de scam.

★ Countermeasures ★
If someone calls you and asks for money, suspect a scam.
The best way to avoid being victimized is not to talk directly to the perpetrator.
Set your phone to go to voicemail even if you are at home.

Narita Police Station, Community Safety Division

Narita Police Station


Vivinavi - Notification from Municipality

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